Using Simple Psychology to Increase Conversions

presidents-messageWhen working with select business partners who are offering to help you market your company in the vast world of digital opportunities, be sure to pay close attention to how they define success.  While we are now able to help deliver your messages using techniques such as retargeted advertising and IP address targeting, some companies are using newly created terms like “viewbility” (how many times your message can be viewed in online ads) to measure the effectiveness of their services.


It is important to note that visibility by itself is not a meaningful gauge. Regardless of what metric is being offered, the true measurement of success or failure of any campaign is based on conversions, meaning how many sales a campaign generates. Don’t allow yourself to become so enthralled with new technological opportunities that you lose sight of this ultimate objective.


No matter how many advances there are in technology, the triggers behind human behavior remain the same. Without a compelling message that will resonate with your targeted audience, regardless of how many times your message is “visible” to them, it won’t be viewed in the manner necessary to generate quality leads that result in new sales for you.


Human behavioral science teaches us that it is not enough to merely advertise your products or services without giving your audience a reason to buy. A few techniques we consider when developing effective messages:


Loss Aversion: It is much more effective to show your prospect what they will lose if they don’t buy your product rather than what they will gain by buying. Research has shown that the feeling of losing or gaining the same thing is very different, with loss aversion being a much stronger motivator to act than what we will gain. As humans, we simply hate losing, and that creates loss aversion.


Exclusivity: Everyone likes to feel special and there are many ways we can tailor a message that speaks directly to your audience in a manner that makes them feel that you are providing them each with an opportunity that is exclusive to them.


Scarcity: We have all seen an offer than ends with “While Supplies Last”. The response impulse that simple message triggers is based off the fear that if the individual doesn’t act immediately, they might miss out on the opportunity to buy.


Urgency: Placing a limit on the length of time your offer is available creates a sense of urgency encouraging the reader to respond right away so they’ll avoid missing out on your special pricing.


These are only a sampling of the many techniques to employ when crafting your marketing message. Once we know the objective of a campaign, we will work carefully with you to strategize and develop the most effective and compelling message possible. Don’t be sold solely on new developments; technology alone does not guarantee results.


Contact us today to learn more!



Tom Brayshaw, President & CEO

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