Building a Foundation for Successful Business Practices

This month we will discuss an area many of you are often looking for help with – database development and management. Today’s successful marketers are effectively managing and using their database for both targeted and data driven marketing initiatives. Unfortunately, we often see clients shake their heads in disappointment, because they feel they’ll never be able to master what appears to them to be an unrealistic and perhaps lofty goal.

While an article on “Database Management” might sound like just the thing to help you fall asleep on a restless night, I encourage you to read on, and then consider taking us to task to help you either get your current database in shape, or to start a new one. We can help put you on the road to effective database management, which will provide you with the tools you need to increase the returns on future campaign projects that you have previously assumed were beyond your reach.

On another subject, we have had the opportunity to work with and help train a special young intern this summer who is starting her senior year in Graphic Design at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point. Internships present excellent opportunities for both the students and the companies they work for, and we like to encourage other companies to give these young people an opportunity to undergo a real-world work experience to supplement their classroom education.

Internships enable students to apply classroom theory to actual work situations, and in many cases can help them confirm or redirect their career decision based on this on-the-job knowledge they’ve been provided. They gain experience, develop skills, make connections, strengthen their resumes, learn about a field, and have the opportunity to assess their interests and abilities. Paid internships also go a long way to help minimizing the amount of debt a student has at graduation by providing much needed educational funding.

For the employer, these programs offer an excellent opportunity to “test-drive” the talent. A human resource reality is that a new employee that made a solid impression in their interview doesn’t always gel with your current team or your company’s way of doing things. Hiring an intern is the most effective way to evaluate their potential as a fulltime employee. These students can also enhance perspective within your firm because they bring with them novel points of view, fresh ideas, specialized strengths and new skill sets, nicely augmenting the abilities of your existing, professional workforce.

In closing, have you ever wondered about how diverse R.C. Brayshaw & Company’s services truly are? Take a moment to watch Lynn Soloman’s interview of Rick Hall, our Manager of Business Development on WYCU-LD’s Kearsarge Chronicle as he provides an overview on all the specialized services we provide.

Tom BrayshawTom Brayshaw, President & CEO

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