NH Poster Printing: How Soy-Based Ink Is Made and Why It Must Used

The use of soy has penetrated a multitude of industries including clothing, food, and health, to name a few. Today, soybeans are used to create anything from cosmetics to crayons. Similarly, the benefits derived from soy have made a drastic impact on how newspapers, posters, and other printed paraphernalia are created.

An article from Brighthub.com details how soy-based ink is made and why it is more ideal to use than petroleum-based equivalents:

“In order for soybean oil to become an ink, it must be mixed with pigments, resins, and waxes, much like its petroleum counterpart. These substances render soy ink completely inedible and carry the same risks associated with petroleum inks. What it really boils down to is ink is for printing, not eating, so after handling a newspaper excessively – regardless of the type of ink used – you should wash your hands before you handle any food, regardless of how safe soy based inks are.


One of the biggest reasons people are turning to soy ink these days is concern for the environment. Because of the needed pigments, resins, and waxes added to create the color of the ink, soy ink is not 100% biodegradable, but research has shown that on average, soy-based inks biodegrade faster and more completely than standard petroleum inks.”

When going green, an organization should consider the inks used in their printed materials. This is why, when it comes to your company’s print advertising needs, you need to work with an NH poster printing company committed to going green just as much as you. Trusted printing companies like R.C. Brayshaw & Company use low impact soy-based inks. Aside from that, they also recycle paper and employ Forest Stewardship Council certified printers.

soy based inks

If you’re serious about going green, switching to environmentally friendly printing is a move toward the right direction, and this is where NH wide format printing companies like R.C. Brayshaw & Company can help.

(Article Information and Image from Soy Based Inks – How Safe Are They?, Bright Hub, April 19, 2012)

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