Mail Under Your Own Indicia!

RCB-Social-July-7-horizontalIntroducing the USPS “Mail Anywhere” Program:

Mail Under Your Own Indicia!

We are pleased to announce we are now a USPS Mail Anywhere service provider. Our participation in this program allows R.C. Brayshaw & Company to mail any valid USPS permit from any post office—meaning that when we process a mailing for you, the indicia can reflect your permit, city and state.

What does this do for you? When your mailer carries your company’s permit indicia, your direct mail piece appears to have been mailed directly from you and your location—and we can be your third party invisible partner. The use of your own indicia lends a more personal touch to your mail piece.

Of course, you can still mail on our permit! If you don’t have a permit, or would like to continue to use our permit—don’t worry. Our clients are always welcome to mail under one of our indicias, for no additional charge.

Our centrally located direct mail facility offers a complete range of services: from list acquisition and processing, to inkjetting and inserting, we can meet each need of your unique mailing project. With this wide range of capabilities and our detail-oriented mailing services team, we’re committed to delivering your projects on time and at the highest efficiency.

If you’re looking to reduce the stress of your next mailing project, consider letting us be the project manager—from the design to the maildrop, our team can help you every step of the way. For more information or to discuss a potential project, please contact Samantha Gordon at 603.298.5057, or here.

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