Getting Started with Self-Publishing, Book Printing, or Print-on-Demand Publishing

Self-publishing is a very cost-effective method to get your story crafted into a professional piece of work that you can share with family and friends, or distribute and sell for a profit. Whether your dream is a soft cover (paperback), hard cover (case bound) or an eBook, R.C. Brayshaw can help you with a professional, marketable finished product.  By self-publishing your book, you have complete control over the content, editing, design, legal, copyright decisions, quantities and distribution methods.

R.C. Brayshaw has been helping aspiring authors with book printing or print-on-demand publishing for over 40 years! We’ve been doing this for a long time and have it down to a science. Hear Marketing Solutions Consultant Dan Kenney discuss some considerations when you get started with self-publishing.

Learn more about how R.C. Brayshaw can help you self-publish or contact us today for your free consultation!

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