Since early June, R.C. Brayshaw & Company has had the pleasure of training Brianne Diermeier, a student entering her senior year at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, in a Graphic Design Internship. Brianne is one of those rare gems demonstrating a level of maturity beyond her years. When asked to share an outsider’s perception of the inner workings here at R.C. Brayshaw & Company, she willingly agreed. We think you’ll enjoy reading this young lady’s experience and insights to date.
“So, how did you end up here?” This has been the most commonly asked question since I started my internship with R.C. Brayshaw & Company. Coming all the way from my cheese loving state of Wisconsin, I can understand why people would want to know why I’m here in this little town of Warner, New Hampshire. While I was in search of a graphic design internship, I found out about R.C. Brayshaw & Company through a small graphic design firm in Hanover. I was directed to their website and was blown away by the number of services they provided. I was impressed to say the least. Lucky for me, a design intern was exactly what they were looking for. Soon after I started, I quickly learned there were many reasons as to why I ended up here.
These first couple weeks have been quite a learning experience for me. Unlike in college, I am suddenly dealing with real customers, real projects and real deadlines. I’m learning that there is a whole separate process when it comes to actually producing a project, and that each project goes through multiple stages before it is ready for final print. That ensures that it comes out exactly how the customer intended. Often times even better! As complex as the process might be, R.C. Brayshaw handles everything with ease and experience.
You have to understand that I am from the land of cows, rolling farmlands and beer. Each part of the country has its own pace. If you make a call to someone living in the Midwest, you will get someone who is most likely very friendly and they’ll want to chat a little before and after you talk about the reason you called them, taking about seven minutes to accomplish anything. Now, if you make a call to someone on the West Coast, you will get a pretty relaxed sounding person (if they are even in the office at all) and they will probably ask you what your weather is like, estimating about nine minutes for any accomplishments. Here on the East Coast, it’s a little different. You call. They answer. Two minutes later, problem solved. When R.C. Brayshaw employees are in the office, they know exactly what they have to do, and they get it done in record speed and with a friendly New England charm.
Now, I can go on and talk an awful lot about R.C. Brayshaw’s list of amazing services, state of the art equipment, or how great their customer services are. But, I think there is something else that I would much rather go into depth about. That something is actually someone’s. The R.C. Brayshaw staff isn’t like any other staff that I’ve worked with before. They are so incredibly hard working, dedicated, passionate, friendly, out-going and hilarious. I’m starting to see that everyone has their own little (or big) personalities that make working here just that much better. Whether it’s picking on my occasional Midwestern accent, having long and meaningful conversations in the car, explaining the need for everyone to try Wisconsin cheese curds, or talking about our hopes and dreams for this year’s football season (only Green Bay Packers and New England Patriots, never NY Giants), if you ever get a chance to have a conversation with any of R.C. Brayshaw’s employees, you’ll understand where I’m coming from. That doesn’t mean that all they do is fun and games. They work tremendously hard to ensure you have the best experience when you choose R.C. Brayshaw & Company for any of your printing and/or marketing needs. They work as a team and feel like a family. R.C. Brayshaw has created a wonderful working environment that keeps everyone feeling positive and valued. They have been more than welcoming to me and to other new employees, which says a lot about this company and how they treat one another. For all these reasons, this has been, so far, one of the best experiences I have ever had.

I have a little over a month remaining on my internship here, and I hope to share my final perceptions in early August with a follow-up Blog.
Looking forward to it Brianne! – Editor